Mold and Mildew Remover NEOMID 600
State Registration Certificate No. BY.Е.001600.04.18 dd. 14.04.2018
Mold and mildew remover NEOMID 600 is designed for efficient and rapid removal of fungus inside and outside the premises.
- Quickly removes fungus, moss, lichen, algae;
- Removes gray bloom from concrete, brick, stone, tile joints and other mineral surfaces;
- Immediate effect - visible result!
It is used for treatment of mineral surfaces (stone, asbestos slate, roof tile, concrete, brick, tile joints, etc.) in living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, bath houses, garages, basements, on facades and foundations.
- Perform all works in well-ventilated rooms or outdoors with the ambient temperature and treated surface temperature of +5°C and above.
- Tanks and equipment for working with fungus remover shall be made of plastic or glass.
- To protect the cleaned surface from repeated attack, treatment with NEOMID BIO PROTECT, ensuring protection from bioattack for up to 12 years, is recommended.
brush, paint roller, spray gun
100-200 g/m2
15-30 min.
10 days
+1°C<t<+25°C in cool place, 5 freeze-defrost cycles
concentrate 36 months, 14 days - ready mix